Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bulldog Bash & Alabama Game

I can hardly believe I'm updating this soon since my last post! Haha! It usually takes me a couple months before I make it back here.

This weekend was big. There were a lot of events happening all over campus. The weekend kicked off with Bulldog Bash. Every year Bulldog Bash is held in the Cotton District (pretty much our downtown here) and local businesses help sponsor it. Bands and musicians come from all over and perform pretty much all day in various parts of the District on different stages. It's a lot of fun to be able to walk around and hear different music from lesser-known artists you probably would never have heard before.

They always have headlining artists come, too, to finish the day off. The past years I've been here, Third Eye Blind and Jason Mraz were the big names that came. This year they had two: Jake Owen and the Avett Brothers. I know there are a lot of Avett Brothers fans out there, but I haven't really heard much of their music so I wasn't as excited about them. But I knew Jake Owen! I've loved his music since a friend of mine gave me a copy of his first CD! So I was pretty pumped he was coming this year.

I dragged Amanda out with me and we had a great time at the concert! We only went for Jake Owen, even though the Avett Brothers were going on after him. The crowds were already pretty rowdy (I mean, it is a concert, so that's kinda expected!) but then more and more people started showing up and were just being plain rude. They kept pushing in front of us and getting to where we couldn't see anything and were mushed between people. They didn't care that we had gotten there early to get our spots. Oh well, we were still excited about having seen Jake Owen!

Sorry for the fuzzy quality... it's hard to zoom in close enough for a picture on my phone, let alone the fact that people are moving around you & not letting you stay still long enough for a clear shot. Jake did bring his bulldog with him (far right, middle picture) out on stage to begin with. We all went crazy for that... I mean, we are the bulldogs!

Saturday was the big Alabama game. I took a picture before the game started because of how pretty the sky was, but I didn't get any pictures of the game because I was too invested in what was happening to think to take a picture or two. It was a great game overall. Yes, we lost, but our boys played their hearts out. We aren't even ranked right now (it's been a tough season) and Alabama is (#3 as of the posted rankings on espn right now) and still managed to hold the final score to 7-24! LSU didn't even score a touchdown on Alabama last week in their game. I was so proud of our defense, especially, and how they stood up the Bama's offense and didn't allow them to run all over us. It was a great night to be a bulldog, standing up in the stands ringing our cowbells & screaming at the top of our lungs! Amanda & I stayed to the very end and then sang the Alma Mater with the team.

It's hard to believe that I only have one more home game to go to as a student. I can't believe this semester (and year) is quickly winding down! I mean, we only have this week of classes, Thanksgiving break, and then one more week of classes before final exams!

On a side note, my brother's football team won their game Friday night! They won their district last week and this weekend they won their Bi-Regional Championship game. I can't wait to be home this weekend & actually go to one of his games! It'll be for the Regional Championship and the team they're playing is Northland Christian out of Houston. From what I've seen online, they're going to be pretty tough, but I have faith in my Grace Cougars! Here's a pic of my brother (the goofy one on the left) with two of his buddies after the game:

Hope y'all have a great Sunday and enjoy what little bit of the weekend y'all can before everything starts back up again tomorrow!

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